Sponsor Benefits

Because of its goal to combine athletics with ministry, the Ocala Stampede needs support from business sponsors and church groups. Area sponsorship already has kicked off with ESPN Radio and Ocala4sale.com, however, more sponsors are needed to cover expenses and to encourage players in their mission.

Individuals and business owners can purchase sponsorship packages ranging from $750 to $15,000. The top figure will provide players with game day jerseys printed with their business name. Higher end sponsors also will be named on ESPN radio programs that announce Ocala Stampede games.

Sponsorship has many advantages. Businesses will have signage at the games, and they’ll be listed on the organization’s web site with a link to their businesses. Ocala4Sale also will provide some promotional advertising.

The funds will go toward coaches’ salaries, the purchase of uniforms, field equipment and training gear, and for transportation, hotels and meals during away games. Ocala Stampede successes will set the team up for conference play at the end of the season.

But that is only part of the picture. Ocala Stampede also has a strong missions program. Members of participating churches and individuals are needed to provide host homes. They also will be prompted to include players in youth programs, Bible studies and other church ministries. These athletes will be encouraged to maintain the highest level of moral conduct as they minister to the local community through their church affiliations and business contacts.